Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My upside down life

Hi! So busy with my new life....my nephew and my niece just got MARA scholarship, so proud of them. They can focus more on their study in Egypt. It's tough but I think they will do it well. I really-really hope they will become doctors one day. My life..ugh terrible. First, I had diarrhoea.Then, high fever for three days. Now, my son. He has an ear infection. He hasn't gone to school since last week. Yesterday I got a call from my parents at school. He had high fever. I was so worried. I drove so fast, lucky there's no accident. Today, I took mc. My son needs me. He didn't want my parents to give him medicine so I had to sacrifice. Last Saturday, I had party at my new house. I invited all the female teachers and a few male teachers. Many turned up. Chiang and Tan gave me a present. So sweet. I wanted to cook for them at first but I was scared. Cook for more than 50 guests, I don't think I can do it. The solution, I ordered food from Kak Chik Hamisah. Ayam masak merah and udang masak lemak. Tahu (tofu) sumbat, my mum and my niece(kak baby) helped me out. My husband was not at home at that time but it's ok. I have my mum by my side. Haiii...ok lah. They praised my food, yalah masak dekat dapur orang mestilah sedap. No mood. I am so worried about my son. I just want him to get well. He is my little hero, my best buddy and my life. One more thing, I am not angry at my "previous bad student" anymore. Just want him to get a good result in SPM, if he can..

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