Monday, June 28, 2010

Form Five Librarians.

So tired but it's ok. Think of the money that I can save. Last time, I had to pay my maid (Ira)RM500.00 per month. I can save RM6000.00 per year or more. Not bad. Thought of going to China next year with my family. My passport will expire in 2012. Ok lah. Need a break. Just think of work will give you pressure. I love my work. So many things I want to do at school. The problem is I need support from PIBG (money), Pn. Soon (she likes my ideas but she doesn't want to contribute money) and my colleagues (to work together). So far, only my librarians help me a lot. I will miss all the Form 5 librarians. They are the best. Christopher (the best cook), Ong (quiet but not bad with computer), JC (the bidan terjun helper), Chew (he can become a good leader, never thinks of himself), Uges( sometimes a bit poyo but he is nice), Professor (last time I liked to call him "my boyfriend". He was so shy before, now I think he can become a playboy), Shen (a gentleman), Brian (a softspoken boy, can become a good husband), Adi (he's genius but needs someone to control him. Afraid, he will break the rule one day) and Ainul (he and Yusrizal always made me laugh). I will miss all of them. Just hope I won't cry infront of them during the PSS jamuan.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I don't know why I am so scared of driving to school now. I always imagine bad things. Going to school, I've no problem. Every time when I reached school, I felt so relieved. Last time it was not like this...........

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day, Abang / Papa

I asked my son to give my father and my husband "Selamat Hari Bapa" card last night and they were so happy. He sticked his Tranformer sticker on my husband's card. Some sort like my husband is his hero. He drew a picture of my father with his hanging kopiah on my father's card. But this morning I forgot to wish them Happy Father's Day. Sorry....Then my husband wanted to take us out. Wherelse...Malacca lah. This time, he let us to choose our favourite dish at Jaya Jusco Food Court, then we went for a bullock cart (Rm10.00) and Trishaw ride (Rm20.00). Seronoknya...we really enjoyed ourselves. This is better than our Duck Tour last time. That Abang Beca was very friendly. He took us to a few shops at Jonker Street and one of them was bound feet shoes shop. I did read article about the shoes but I never saw them before. They were so small. I told that towkey it's better not to marry a wealthy man rather than being sufferred in those shoes. He just laughed. Thank you so much to my dearest husband. We love you and I am proud to have you as my hubby and my son's papa.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Last night I watched a drama"Gelora di hati Sara". It's about polygamy. The husband tried to be fair to both wives but I think it's not fair at all to the first wife. She's beautiful and smart but she made herself low to the second wife just for the sake of her husband. I don't know. I think polygamy is beautiful if the husband knows how to handle the situation. He should provide a house for each wife. No women can share their husband under the same roof. Make sure the wives' needs are fulfilled. If you take the first one to London, make sure the second one you do the same (but different time and different place, up to her). Women nowadays just need someone to take care of them. They don't need money because they do have their own. If the woman is materialistic, it won't be a forever relationship. When she gets fed up with the luxury, she will dump that man and find another man who she can share her life. I don't accept polygamy (I know God will reward the wife "payung emas" in heaven if she allows her husband to marry again). You can say that I am being selfish but I just cannot accept it. I always have my husband by my side so I cannot imagine when he's not at home (going to the second wife's house). That's my weakness. I'd told him already that if he falls in love with another woman, he must inform me first. I don't mind but he has to let me far he said NO.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Love is in the air........

No more maid. My husband and I couldn't accept what she did to my family, so sayonara babe! Will be very busy next month (Bulan Membaca and moving out to our new house). Lots of work to do. Pity my son. He really missed my maid. She did help me a lot but she liked to flirt ( really-really gatal one). Her good work was to cover the bad thing that she did. She was more hardworking than my previous maid. She never stole our money or took our things but she was interested in something else. Haiii...her aim was to find a good man to become her future husband. Lucky my husband was not in her list (may be she didn't have the chance to do that). Talking about my husband. I am so happy with him now. We shared so many things. He made me laughed a lot. It's just that both of us can accept each other, as what we really are. We are totally different people but that make our relationship so colourful or can I say, it's like ikan siakap masak tiga rasa (sweet, sour and hot)...............bye!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Saya telah membaca sebuah buku berkenaan dengan asal-usul bangsa Yahudi (Jew) dan sebab musabab mengapa mereka anggap Palestin adalah negara mereka. Buku tersebut telah dibaca pada tahun 2008 dan saya amat berharap yang saya masih mengingati ceritanya. Ada yang kata Yahudi adalah sebenarnya salah satu puak terbesar dalam Bani Izrael yang dikenali sebagai Yahuda. Ada pula yang kata semasa mereka menjadi pengikut nabi yang terpilih, mereka dikenali sebagai Bani Izrael tetapi bila mereka enggan mengakui akan kerasulan nabi tersebut mereka digelar yahudi. Tapi apa yang saya ingin terangkan di sini adalah Palestin memang kepunyaan asal Bani Izrael. Pada masa itu Bani Izrael adalah kaum yang sangat lemah maka tanah mereka dirampas oleh bangsa Palestin di mana rajanya adalah Jalut. Kemudian bani Izrael telah mendapat petunjuk untuk melantik orang biasa yang dikenali sebagai Talut sebagai raja. Maka berlakulah peperangan. Pada ketika itu, Talut telah membuat pengumuman iaitu sesiapa yang dapat membunuh Raja Jalut akan dikahwinkan dengan anaknya. Muncullah seorang budak dengan lastiknya yang berikrar akan membunuh Raja Jalut. Budak itupun menyeru Raja Jalut untuk bertarung dengannya. Bila batu yang dilastik terkena kepala Jalut maka matilah dia. Budak itu adalah Nabi Daud. Selepas itu Nabi Daud (known as David in Bible) menjadi raja untuk kerajaan Bani Izrael. Kemudian anak Baginda, Nabi Sulaiman (known as Solomon)memerintah kerajaan tersebut. Sehinggalah akhirnya kerajaan Bani Izrael diperintah oleh beberapa hakim. Hakim-hakim inilah yang melemahkan kerajaan tersebut sehingga ia dijajah semula oleh bangsa Palestin yang sangat kuat. Lemahnya bani Izrael sehingga mereka menjadi hamba kepada bangsa yang lain termasuk Mesir. Kemudian lahirlah Nabi Musa (known as Moses) sebagai penyelamat kaum tersebut. Maka baginda membawa keluar kaumnya dari Mesir sehinggalah kejadian Laut Merah yang terbelah menjadi jalan yang terbentang luas(Baginda menggunakan tongkat mukjizat). Malang buat Raja Firaun dan pahlawannya yang lemas di dalam Laut Merah tersebut semasa cuba mengejar Nabi Musa dan pengikutnya. Kemudian Nabi Musa meneruskan perjalanan bersama pengikutnya sehinggalah mereka sampai ke satu tempat (Palestin). Baginda mengajak pengikutnya masuk ke negara tersebut tetapi mereka enggan. Mereka meminta Nabi Musa menghantar seseorang untuk melihat penduduk di negara tersebut terlebih dahulu. Bila diketahui penduduknya terdiri daripada orang yang gagah dan kuat, mereka menyuruh Nabi Musa masuk ke negara tersebut dan berjuang seorang diri. Jika berjaya, barulah Nabi Musa boleh memanggil mereka masuk ke negara tersebut. Nabi Musa sangat murka akan sikap kaumnya sehinggalah turun ayat Quran yang maksudnya lebih kurang"Bertebaranlah kamu di muka bumi ini sehingga kamu menjadi bangsa yang kuat. Barulah dapat memasuki negara ini." Maka kesemua bangsa tersebut tidak tinggal di satu tempat. Mereka tinggal di negara-negara besar. Bangsa Yahudi adalah bangsa yang paling cerdik(genius). Disebabkan kecerdikan mereka, mereka dapat memegang kuasa besar dari segi ketenteraan, hiburan dan ekonomi tidak kira di negara Perancis, Amerika mahupun Britain. Bila mereka sudah menjadi bangsa yang kuat, mereka telah berjaya merampas Palestin semula setelah beribu tahun menumpang di negara orang. Memang benar Palestin adalah negara asal mereka tetapi mereka tidak wajar menzalimi penduduk Palestin terutamanya wanita dan kanak-kanak. Apa yang telah bangsa Yahudi lakukan adalah seperti mereka ingin menghapuskan bangsa Palestin di muka bumi ini. Ia seolah-olah mereka ingin membalas dendam untuk nenek moyang mereka. Ia suatu perbuatan yang sangat zalim dan tidak bertamadun!